miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
Amphibians with Tails?

There are some 300 varieties of salamanders, but all are defined by the name of their order: Caudata, that means ''with tail.''
Salamanders are fascinating because of their colors, their strange shapes. For example:
The Spotted Salamander

Their skin is bluish-black or dark gray, and they have two rows of round yellow or orange spots down their backs. Their bellies are slate gray.
Spotted Salamanders live in forests where there are pools of water in the Spring, or nearby ponds.
Adult Spotted Salamanders spend most of their time underground.
For Monday, 7th 2010
Bring for art class the following material:
- 1 white cardboard
- 1 old shoe box
- ruler
- pencil
- gluestick
- colors
- markers
- scisorss
We are going to made a 3D PICTURE BOX, like this:

martes, 1 de junio de 2010
The stages of Life
Do you remember this activity?
Label the diagram with following words:
- Moth
- Larva
- Pupa
- Eggs

Lesson 8 Energy to Mix and Split
Energy to mix and split
A mixture contains substances that are mixed together but are not chemically combined.
A mixture contains substances that are mixed together but are not chemically combined.
Air is an example of a mixture as it contains a number of different gases including oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
A solution is a mixture of a solute and a solvent e.g. salt and water.
A solute is the substance which is dissolved (salt) and a solvent is a liquid in which a substance dissolves (water).
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixture
These mixtures are made up of more than one phase or of different parts and can be separated physically. The different components are visibly distinguishable from one another.
Ex: A chocolate chip cookie, a piece of quartz containing a vein of gold. granite, oil and water, and a bowl of raisin bran cereal.
Have only one phase, or have a uniform appearance throughout, and any portion of the sample has the same properties and composition. Each region of a sample is identical to all other regions of the sample.
Ex: salt water and rubbing alcohol, are considered homogeneous because they are in one phase.
Sometimes it is necessary to separate solutions and to do this we have a number of separating techniques including filtration, evaporation, and distillation.
Is the method used for separating an insoluble solid (a solid that will not dissolve) from a liquid. A tea bag is an everyday example of a filter. It works because it has small holes to let the liquid through but blocks the larger pieces of solid.
Is the method used for separating an insoluble solid (a solid that will not dissolve) from a liquid. A tea bag is an everyday example of a filter. It works because it has small holes to let the liquid through but blocks the larger pieces of solid.
Is a method of separating a soluble solid from a solvent e.g. salt and water.
Distillation is a process involving the vaporization of a liquid by boiling it and then condensing the vapor by cooling it. It can be used to purify a liquid (e.g. to obtain pure water from a salt-water solution).
Distillation is a process involving the vaporization of a liquid by boiling it and then condensing the vapor by cooling it. It can be used to purify a liquid (e.g. to obtain pure water from a salt-water solution).

Lesson 7 The power of magnets
Well here is the presentation of the Lesson 7 The power of magnets, as well there is one viedo and some games that you can watch and play !!! :D
Lesson 6 Electric Energy
Hi guys, in this leson we saw how circuits work.
Here is the presentation and also is the link of the place in which you can play the game.
Here is the presentation and also is the link of the place in which you can play the game.
Types of Machines
In this lesson we learned about several types of machines
The Simple and The Compound Machines
The simple Machines are the most basic like:

The Lever
The Pulley
This lifts weights, they change the direction in which the forces act. Fo
r example, when we pull down on the end of a rope on a pulley, the load attached to the end of the rope rises.
The Simple and The Compound Machines
The simple Machines are the most basic like:
- the inclined plane
- the lever
- pulleys
- wedges and screws

The Inclined Plane
Is used to lif to objects by sliding or rolling them.
The Lever

It let us apply the force at one point by making a smaller force at another point. A lever has a fulcrum, and an effort point (were we make the samller force ) and a resistance point (where the large force is applied).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG_kT565-XQ&feature=relatedThe Pulley
This lifts weights, they change the direction in which the forces act. Fo

A wedge
Is use to cut or separate things
A screw
It is used to fasten things together
Compound Machines
The compound machines are combinations of simple machines, some daily life examples are: cars, electric stairs, computers, etc.
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